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My family moved to Grandview when I was 12 years old. Moving from an urban environment to a rural and quiet community took some serious adjusting. However, I clearly remember the profound kindness, welcoming, and feeling of acceptance that my family experienced. Fast forward a few years, and I found myself celebrating my high school graduation and processing the very real and scary reality that I was moving away from my beloved hometown. After I graduated from the University of Washington, I pursued a career in government service. I have worked for many elected officials, from state senators to members of Congress.


I’ve lived in various cities around our beautiful state, but coming home was never far from my mind. I am grateful to be back home serving our community as the Government Relations Specialist for Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic. This position has reacquainted me with some of the needs and challenges of our area. In advocating for those needs, I’ve built relationships with other elected officials that help ensure our community will not be overlooked. Like me, more and more young professionals and families are choosing to move from the bustle of city culture to communities like ours that offer respite. I will provide unique insight into the needs of this demographic. It is important to me that we preserve that kind, welcoming spirit my family felt when we moved here while addressing the challenges that come with growth.


I am proud of our city and the bright future we have in front of us. As Mayor of Grandview, I will work hard, listen carefully, and consider all sides to continue the growth and prosperity of our humble community. I look forward to learning from others in the City Administration, and most importantly, our constituents. I am passionate about my home and have the skills, knowledge, and experience to make a real impact. I leave you with this thought from President Roosevelt:

“Far and away the best prize life has to offer is a chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

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Our Mission

My Mayoral Mission

With a strong background in government relations, executive support and community engagement, I am confident in my qualifications to lead Grandview forward when elected Mayor.
I believe a strong focus on community development is crucial for
creating a better place to raise families in Grandview.
My primary commitment to the families of Grandview is to collaborate with local law enforcement to reduce crime rates and enhance public safety of our community. I will advocate for investments in activities for children, safe parks, and affordable housing that supports the sustainable growth of our great city in the heart of the Yakima Valley.

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My Vision to Get the Job Done

When elected Mayor, it will be my responsibility to lead Grandview with the highest levels of integrity, respect, accountability and communication. None of this is possible if I'm not first connected to the members of our community.

"The key to strong leadership is first listening to the people you are leading."

I truly believe everyone deserves to have their voice heard in our community. When I'm elected Mayor, I will be committed to engaging the community when it matters most and putting their progressive ideas to action. It will take all of us to take Grandview to the next level, but I'm happy to stand out front and take the lead, as Mayor, to make it happen.

1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

2. a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

Community. [com-mu-ni-ty] noun. 

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