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Priorities: Build Local First

Improving our City Together

As Mayor, it will be my responsibility to strategically plan for the future of Grandview while considering the quality of life of the families that call our city HOME. Making improvements in Grandview is going to take a unified effort by everyone in our community.  As Mayor, I will strengthen the partnerships between
the city administration and local community organizations, the school district,
and the passionate citizens that make up Grandview.  

Please take time to review my non-partisan priorities on how to strengthen our city for future growth that is sustainable while focusing on my core belief to



City Planning & Operations

A thriving community has a City Administration that operates at the highest standard of excellence within a fiscally responsible strategy that promotes a high quality of life for everyone. The City budget operates on the tax contributions from our citizens and local businesses as well as funds provided by the State and Federal governments. It is the administration’s responsibility to operate within those means. As Mayor, I will provide transparent leadership to our citizens to better understand how this process works and encourage accountability at all levels to ensure each dollar is spent with the best interest of our community in mind.


Building Management

Strong building management enhances the security, economic development and environmental stewardship of Grandview to prepare our city for the future growth that is on the horizon. It is important to the sustainable growth of Grandview to have buildings that are maintained in the best possible condition. This is true for city-owned properties along with the buildings owned by businesses and individuals. Together, we can enhance our City and make it a thriving place to live and

for visitors to spend quality time.


Public Safety

The well-being and protection of everyone in Grandview is a top priority of my campaign. It is the City’s responsibility to ensure people are safe from harm and danger. This includes crime prevention, emergency response and making sure buildings and roads are safe to use.  As Mayor, I will encourage our public safety services to continue to build upon their current practices and ensure Grandview is the safest place it can be to raise a family.


Utilities Management

Providing reliable and affordable utilities within the City of Grandview should be a fundamental priority of our adminstration. The current administration has thoughtfully prepared for the future growth of Grandview; however, as Mayor I will make it a top priority to make sure the management of utilities is a core part of all future developments. Utilities directly effect every single one of us and it is important we consider how it effects your pocketbooks when we prepare for the City’s future growth.  



Small towns thrive when they provide safe and reliable public transportation options for their citizens. Currently, there are private organizations providing services in Grandview, but as Mayor I’d like to pursue partnerships with local municipalities to strengthen public transportation options that can support the needs of our citizens. Other local communities have created partnerships that make their communities more accessible. It is important Grandview’s leadership considers these options as well providing our citizens and visitors more access to our great community.



Grandview’s School District and Yakima Valley Community College provide our city with educational excellence and the opportunity to enhance the quality of life of everyone.  It isn’t the Mayor’s responsibility to manage the school districts; however, as Mayor it is important to partner with the school districts to align our community’s needs with their programs in an effort to achieve the highest academic standards available. I will advocate for the safest and highest level of education in our schools.


Community Service & Engagement

With an emphasis on providing a better place to live, community organizations play a vital role in interacting with the community and public decision-makers. As Mayor, I will partner with the local community organizations to support their efforts and encourage higher levels of engagement in our community.  When a citizen engages in community service, they strengthen their ties to the community and broaden their support network creating a stronger sense of community.


Health Care

Assuring the citizens of Grandview have access to quality health care is vital to the quality of life in our city. Quality health services include strong partnerships with local health providers and other health programs such as meals on wheels.  Supporting these services ensures our community can promote a healthy lifestyle for all. As Mayor, I look forward to strengthening our relationship with the providers and providing services that support a well-rounded health plan that benefits the whole of our community.


Social Programs

Local governments have the opportunity to provide social programs to enhance the quality of life for their citizens. As Mayor, I will advocate for social opportunities that align with the needs of our citizens. There are several State and Federal assistance programs that we can pursue as a community to improve opportunities for low-income families and children, revitalizing low-income areas of our community and empowering low-income families to be self-sufficient. By leveraging these programs to our benefit, we have the opportunity to take care of our neighbors without having to reach deep into our own pockets.


Art Programs

Integrating art programs into a variety of public settings helps set our community apart from others. Public art installations help promote the regeneration of small communities while offering a combination of aesthetic value and social identity in public spaces.  By supporting an active and dynamic arts culture, our city becomes more attractive to individuals and businesses promoting growth for our community in ways other areas of our strategy aren’t able to do.  The arts give our community a chance to celebrate who we are and let others know they are welcome in Grandview.


Parks & Recreation

The parks in Grandview are an important aspect of our community and provide a healthy quality of life for our citizens. In order to ensure these public spaces promote a sense of community and safety, it is important our city administration invests in the development and upkeep of these public spaces. Our City benefits from strong parks and it is time we leverage these facilities to attract new families and visitors to enjoy them. As Mayor, I will prioritize the use of these public spaces to enhance the quality of life of our citizens by encouraging new events and activities that promote the use of these spaces.


Local Economic Development

There are many ways you can tackle the important task of local economic development, but it is my top priority to approach this area of leadership in a way that encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable growth. As Mayor, I will stand behind a “local first” strategy that supports local businesses and helps them enhance their services. By doing so, their successes will attract new businesses to Grandview and fuel the economic development that goes beyond our current economic situation. The economic benefits of “building local first” are substantial compared to other strategies that prioritize soliciting outside companies to come into our community and expecting their revenues to support our future growth. It is time we consider the importance of local businesses and their impact on our community when focused on the future economic development strategy for Grandview.

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